Develop Your Intuitive Abilities in Just 60 Seconds a Day
You can develop your intuitive abilities by committing to a daily practice that consists of three simple steps and takes as little as 60 seconds a day.
Over the years, this exercise has worked for many of my clients. If you stick with it, I’m sure it will work for you, too.
In addition to improving your connection with your inner voice, this exercise will teach you how to recognize and interpret intuitive signals.
I strongly encourage you to schedule it on your calendar to avoid falling into the “I’ll do it later” trap that usually leads to “I’ll do it tomorrow” which leads to never doing it at all.
Just like other forms of training, consistency is the key to successfully developing your intuition.
To get started, find a quiet place where you can be alone for 60 seconds and a pad or device where you can store a few notes.
Step 1
Say five statements out loud that are true. For example, you can state your name, address, age, birthday and place of birth. As you speak, be aware of your body. After your last statement, jot down any noticeable physical reactions. Was your demeanor calm or tense? Did you stay in one place or did you shift forward or backwards? Were your breath and heartbeat natural or were either one slower or faster? Did your stomach feel relaxed or tight? Don’t overthink it; just jot down anything that stood out.
Step 2
Repeat the same five statements out loud again, but this time state false information. In other words, you’re going to lie about your name, address, age, birthday and place of birth. Again, be aware of your demeanor, posture, breath, heartbeat an stomach. When you’re finished, jot down any noticeable physical reactions.
Step 3
Compare your notes to see your body’s reaction to each set of statements. You should see that in some way your body reacted differently to the false statements. If you didn’t notice a difference, that’s fine. Sometimes the reactions are very subtle. However, as you continue to do this exercise, you’ll become more attuned to your physical body and will start to notice them.
Going Forward
As you practice this exercise, it’s important that you use different statements. If you continue to repeat the same ones day after day, your body will become too familiar with them. Of course, there are some statements you can easily repeat if the answers are different. For example, what you ate for breakfast this morning or dinner last night.
Putting it All TogetherYour physical reactions are intuitive signals from your higher self. Once you can easily recognize how your body distinguishes between true and false statements, you’re ready to work with your intuition.
When you need guidance, ask the question out loud or in your mind and notice how your body reacts. If it reacts the same way it does when you’re speaking the truth, your intuition is giving you a green light. If it reacts the same way it does when you’re lying, your intuition is waving a red flag.
To develop your intuitive muscle, make it a habit to routinely ask for guidance about people you meet, the best route to take and your next step in life.
Intuition is a remarkable resource, but it’s not infallible. It also wasn’t intended to be the only process we use to solve problems, trigger inspiration and make decisions.
We were blessed with logic as well as intuition. Like everything else, it’s about finding the perfect balance.